Dona Flor Churchill Connecticut 7 x 48

Nice looking cigar with an impressive band but a little thinner than expected. Presents as well made but polarising with some deep veins running throughout.


The first third had a mild flavour of cedar, draw was perfect producing a great amount of silky smooth smoke. (Say that five times fast)

From the second third this cigar really stepped it up a notch, flavour has increased considerably which is mainly of fresh earthy grass. Medium strength overall.

Ash didn’t want to hold too long, fell after twenty minutes and again at thirty minutes. My guess is something to do with the construction but no complaints about the sharp burn line.

The last third consisted of a smooth woody flavour, smooth all the way up to the eighty minute mark where it started to get a little sour, so time to put it down.


80 Minutes

$30  AUD




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